Many inductions and C/S are done because of the fear of big babies. Ultrasounds are very inaccurate for determining the size of your baby – this article talks about why.
Kudos for Co-sleeping!
A great blog post on the love of co-sleeping.
The benefits of delayed cord clamping
Great video about the benefits of delayed cord clamping from midwife, Robin Lim, CPM – director of Bumi Sehat Birth Center in Bali, Indonesia.
U.S. newborn death rate higher than in 40 other nations
The study shows that newborn babies in countries including Malaysia, Cuba, and Poland now have a better chance of survival than those born in the United States. “It’s not that things are worse in the United States than before, it’s that the U.S. isn’t making progress like other countries,” Lawn said.
Read more here.
Normal Newborn Behavior
Many new parents are lost in those first several weeks. How do you know what is normal and what is not? This is a great guide to help you navigate those challenging moments.